No subscriptions necessary. Purchase only after evaluating and fully satisfied. Prices based on software requirements. Quotes are generated automatically.
Two convenient arrangements for all your needs.
Most popular option. Applicable to most use cases.
Starts at
- No monthly charges
- Unlimited users
- No resource limits
- Deploy to any platform
- Assistance with deployment
- Email and phone support
Only needed if reselling to others
- All features from Standard
- Pay-as-you-grow: only pay for additional sales
- Sell the applications you build to other companies
- Support available for your clients
- Email and phone support
Factors affecting the price of generated applications
The final price to acquire your application will be determined by its requirements. In general, larger and more complex applications will cost more. Below are some factors that affect this:
The overall number of entities and their fields.
The use of role-based access and the number of roles used.
The number and relationships involved for reports plus any dashboard widgets.
Additional features like change history and SSO.