Core Concepts

On this page we go over all of the concepts to be aware of. The AI model is aware of these and will make sense of it from the requirements provided. There's no specific way to articulate any of these concepts, simply express them in the way that suits your writing style: it's all language. The only recommendation is that for best results you will want to be as clear as possible. In general, if something might be confusing or unclear for a human, it will be for the model.


Entities represent collections of records similar to sheets in an Excel workbook or tables in a database. Entities have fields/columns that store and present the various data points. Entities often have relationships to other entities and the model will extract those relationships. Entities and their relationships serve as an important foundation for information that can be extracted later for reports, query fields, dashboard widgets and more.

Included Entities

There are a few default entities that are always present to support system functionality. The main one to be aware of is for system users, which serves as the collection of user records that can sign into the application with fields like first/last name, email, password. Additional fields can be added to these records. In the event the field you're adding already exists, you'll see a warning to let you know.

Initial Values for Entity Collections

There is also the concept of initial values or entries for collections. This comes in handy if you have a collection that supports the ability for users to add to it in the future but you have an initial list to populate. For example, if you needed to add a list of car brands, language along the lines of "Add initial entries for Ford, Toyota, Tesla..." would be acceptable.

Field Types

Below are the various field types that can be hinted at using any language desired (e.g. Field A as a datetime field). Whenever a type isn't specified or inferred it will default to a text field.

TypeDescriptionAdditional Notes
TextDefault single line text field with a default max length of 100.

You can request it to be multi-line

Supports a minimum and/or maximum length

Rich TextProvides rich text capabilities (formatted text) to allow formatting like Bold, Italic, Underline, Lists, and more.

Supports a minimum and/or maximum length

PhoneUsed to store phone numbers with the ability to provide localized formatting based on a country field.
Email AddressText field for storing email addresses. Renders as a mailto link.
URLText field specifically for storing web addresses.
ColorProvides color picking capabilities.
CountryA drop-down of all countries.
Top Level Country DivisionA drop-down for the top-level country division: state, province, region, parish, etc.
Time ZoneDrop-down list of IANA time zones for the entire globe.
DateProvides ability to store and present dates.

Can be limited to only support entering a year.

TimeStores time values.

It's possible to indicate whether seconds should be present (by default it's only the hour and minute).

Date & Time
Date of BirthFull date of birth.
BirthdayThe month and day components of a date of birth. Useful if you only need to know the day to celebrate a birthday without knowing the age.
BooleanProvides a checkbox for managing Yes/No, On/Off states.
NumberA floating point / real number.
IntegerWhole numbers.
DecimalAn extension of the number type with support for true decimal handling

The number of decimal places can be specified.

CurrencyAn extension of the decimal type with support for formatting for a specific currency (system default or specified).

In addition to the system's default currency you can request a field for a specific currency.

When not specified the number of decimal places defaults to 2.

Drop-downSelect/picker from a list of options.

Can also be presented as radio buttons or a button set.

Options can come from a list that's provided, from another collection of records, a query, and API requests.

It's possible to indicate how the label is displayed by describing what should be displayed, e.g. display the user's first name, last name and company.

Multi SelectSimilar to a dropdown but with the ability to select multiple options.
File Upload

Allows specifying a file size limit.

Allows limiting to certain files or groups of files (e.g. images, videos, documents) or by extension.

Supports indicating whether multiple files are allowed.

QueryThis is a read only field type that displays its result based on querying other entities/fields.

Field Settings

Below are the various settings you can include as part of your requirements for fields to provide a better data entry experience as well as higher standards for data.

TypeDescriptionAdditional Notes
RequiredFor any field you can indicate whether it is required or not (the default is not required)

It's possible to make being required conditional on another field.

Language like "either the phone or email is required" is also fine.

VisibilityBy default fields will be visible; however, it's possible to make their visibility conditional

Example: Only show field A when field B has a value greater than 100.

PlaceholderFields that typically have an entry box can have a placeholder shown. Examples are also inferred to be used as place holders.
LabelField labels are inferred by default from how they are described in the requirements. It's possible to influence the actual label that get's displayed by quoting or using language like "Label as".
Description / NoteIt's possible to display a note on the field. This note typically appears above the field and is always visible unlike a place holder that will be covered by the value entered.
Tool-tipAdditional field information that's not a placeholder or note to appear less conspicuously on an info icon.
Minimum LengthFor text fields you can indicate the minimum length required.
Maximum LengthFor text fields you can indicate the maximum length required.
Minimum ValueFor numeric and date/time-related fields you can indicate a minimum value.
Maximum ValueFor numeric and date/time-related fields you can indicate a maximum value.
Value MaskingIf a value needs to be masked to fit a certain pattern it can be supported by indicating the pattern that it should fit with language similar to "must match the pattern ###-##-####".
OptionsThe Drop-down Select and Multi-select fields will need values to present in the dropdown. These can be static lists of options or dynamically populated from other collections, queries run against other collections or external APIs.
UniquenessTo avoid duplicates you can indicate whether certain fields should be unique.
Enabled / DisabledBy default all fields are enabled. It's possible to indicate whether a field should be disabled, usually done conditionally.
Computed / Derived ValuesIf there is a field that can be calculated from other fields you can express what needs to be calculated to create a read-only field that can be filtered/sorted.
Read OnlyIt's possible to indicate that a field should be read-only, usually done conditionally.
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